This is the story of things. A story of cult leaders and conspiracies, and secret organizations. It is a story of roads, and mobs, and bridges. It is a story of bears, and homeless people, and Office Cults. But most of all, it is a story of... Things! Now, pick THE Number:
[[You Are Fred]]
[[You Are Woofster]]
[[You Are A Madison]]
[[You Are Martha]]
[[You Are Mr. Nibbles]]
[[You Are A Venus Flytrap]]
[[You Are Señor Garcia]]YOU HAVE PICKED THE NUMBER: 8
[[You Are A Toaster]]
[[You Are Bob Ross]]
[[You Are Casper]]
You are Fred. Fred works for SelSo Soda Co., as a Accountant. He is not happy with his job, but he is also not sad. Fred just simply lives. Every day, he goes home. He does not have a family. Fred simply has a cat, Mooshkins. His previous girlfriend got the cat for him. Lucy (The girlfriend), left Fred five weeks ago. Fred is not happy, but he is not sad. Fred simply is. This is a normal emotion for Fred.
It is the morning, and Fred has woken up. YOU have woken up. Now, you must decide what to wear.
[[Casual Shirt and T-Shorts]]
[[Grey Suit And Tie]]
[[Your Shirt That Says: 'This Is My Happy Life']]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You chose that today would be a relax day. A unwind day. Heck, today was even the day that you would call back Lucy! Yes, today was Casual Friday. Heck, even though today was Tuesday! Yes. Today was the day that you were going to do everything!
[[You Head Downstairs]]
You chose to wear your grey suit. This interaction has no purpose to the story. YOU have no purpose to the story.
[[You Go Downstairs]]
You decided to be Satirical today. A funny shirt. Morbid. Yeah, the custom-made shirt with 'This is my Happy Life' on it, and a custom-embroidered gravestone with your name on it. Yeah, you were super witty.
[[You Head Down The Stairs]]
You have some tough decisions to make. Do you want to have Chock-o-chunks, or Toast? You think it over for a few minutes, but finally decide on Toast, since you don't want to ruin your suit. The toast was bland, and there was not much of it. You leave the house grumbling, wishing that you had eaten the cereal.
[[You Head Out The Door]]
You head down the stairs. You have a tough decision to make. Do you want to eat Chock-O-Chunks, or Toast? You decide to have the Chock-O-Chunks. What the heck, right? It's Casual day! You eat two bowls, spilling some on your shirt. But what the heck! You head out the door, happy on your way to work.
[[You Head To Work]]
You run down the stairs, skipping as you go. Unfortunatly for you, in you're happy mood, you failed to notice one of Mooshkins toys. You slip down the stairs, breaking your back, and crushing your heart. As you die, you acknowledge the irony of your choice of Attire.
[[You Die]]
You head out the door, glad to be wearing your nice, formal attire. You get into your car. You have a...
[[Station Wagon]]
You head out the door, glad to be wearing your cool new digs. You get into your car. You have a...
[[Station Wagon]]
Oh, you thought this story was over, didn't you? You thought that death was the end. But you were wrong. You have only changed course of this story. You can not escape it so easily. You are now a ghost. You are now floating over your own body. This, in all, is a very weird experience for you, to be floating over your own body. For you to be faced with your own mortality. You float there for a few hours, until a man from your work comes to check on you. You try to make your presence known, to try to do anything, but you can not. You are no longer in your story. You no longer are in control. It is like you are reading your story from in front of a screen, text flowing through the paper. This is all very meta. The man form your work calls 911. They come. There is some things that happen, but they do not matter to your story, Only you matter to your story.
[[End Screen 1]]
[[This is a story]]
You get into your cool new Ferrari, so cool. You are just the most cool. You rev the engine, and head off to work. Now, which way was it again?
You get in your (ugh) Prius. Who owns a Prius? You know what?
[[You Are Dead]]
You get in your SUV. It was a car you bought with Lucy, planning for a family. When she left you, you didn't want to sell it, so you simply kept it. You rev the engine, and head off for work. Now which way was it again?
You leave the house, and get into your Station Wagon. You rev the engine a few times, before the car finally dies. Now what? Your car is dead.
[[Try Again To Start It]]
[[Call The Auto Shop]]
[[Stay Home]]
You own a beetle. Your style choices are impeccable. You get into your Beetle, rev the engine, and head off for work. Now, which way was it again?
[[Foreward]]You remember that the right passage is the correct one. Now, which way?
[[Left R.]]
[[Right R.]]
[[Diagonal Right R.]]
[[Go Back To Your House]]
You decide to take the left road. Yeah, that was absolutly the way! Since you absolutly know the way, no need even thnkning, you simply take the next right path.
[[Right Path]]
You remember that the passage to go was straight ahead. So, you drive. You reach another passage, this one only with one road: right, so you take it
You reach another passage, this one with two more roads: Left, and Foreward. Now, the way was...
[[To The Right]]
Serves You right, for owning a Prius. Loser. Who even owns a Prius?
[[This is a story]]
You go to the right, and eventually you get to a bar. 'Ralph's Big Bar O' Booze'. Do You Want To Go In?
[[Yeah, Let's Go In]]
[[Nope, I Don't Like Alcohol]]
You go ahead. Eventually you reach a fork in the road. Which way do you want to go?
[[Way 1]]
[[Way 2]]
You enter the bar, and you sit down on a tattred old stool. You order a beer, and then another one. And then a third.
[[Epilouge 1]]
Good choice. You abstain from Alcohol, and you turn back around. You go onto the other path
And eventually, you ask for a job. Ralph, the man in charge of the bar gives you a job. It was a good job, and you were happy. Your old job called you many, many times. They called to ask where you are. You don't respond to any of them. You happily live out your life working at Ralph's bar, untill eventually, you die.
[[End Screen 1]]
You take the left path. It takes you on a winding highway, that you are VERY sure that is not the path to your work, but it is a one-lane highway, so you can not turn around. You keep going. And going, and going. Eventually you end up in a Desert. Since you had a full tank, you were able to keep going on, and on, and on. Eventually, you reached a desert town of Minston.
[[Epilouge 3]]
You head down another fork in the road, and it eventually leads you back to your house. You puzzle at this conundrum, before deciding on a passage. Now which way was it again?
You keep on trying to start your vehicle. It keeps revving, and revving.
Pick a number:
You decide to call the Auto Body Shop down on main street. It takes them a while to get there, but when they do, they manage to get your car fixed. You start the engine, and pull out of the driveway, on your way to work. Now which way was it again?
After trying to start your car for a while, you give up. What is up? You think. After some thinking, you decide to not go to work today. Who even cares? You think to yourself as you go back inside. You have a choice of what to do with you newly claimed free time.
[[Have a Bath]]
[[Watch TV]]
[[Read A Good Book]]
After a long time of Revving the car, you finally manage to get it running. You pull out of the driveway, off to work. Now which way was it again?
After a long time of revving, you finally give up. This car won't start no matter how many times you try to get it running. Ok, this is ridiculous. Now what?
[[Call The Auto Shop]]
[[Stay Home]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.
[[Untitled Passage]]
You decide to have a bath. It's been so long since you had any real sense of comfort, right? You draw the bath, add some aromic candles, dim the lights, and put on some calming music. You slip into the bath, content with your life.
Unfortunatly for you, you made the scene TOO calming. You fall asleep in the bath, and drown.
[[You Die]]
You decide to watch TV. So, you sit down. But it isn't sitting right with you. You should be at work, not slacking off while everyone else is working. So, you go back outside to try to restart your car,
You decide to read a good book. You do for a while, but then fall asleep. You wake up the next morning, with a missed call from work. You go back to work that next day, since your car is working.
[[Epilouge 2]]
This has just been a story of the most interesting day in your life. You wake up, you eat, you drive, you work, you eat, you work, you drive, you eat, and then you sleep. Today was just a deviation of the norm.
[[End Screen 1]]
Thank you for playing This Is A Story: Fred Chapter. Play through all of them and experience more choices.
[[The End]]
Hey! You can't be here! This portion of the story isn't finished yet! How dare you! Since you're here, I'm afraid I'll have to kick you back to the start.
[[Ugh, Fine]]
[[No, I'm Not Gonna]]
Thank you. I am so glad you participated. Ok, lets see... I'll re-direct you... and done! Now, don't come back to this part! It's not finished yet!
[[You Are Fred]]
Please! I need you to go back so that I can finish this part of the story!
[[Ugh, Fine]]
[[Nope, No Way]]
Now listen here. I NEED you to go back. This portion of the story is already behind scedule. If you are here, that means it is connected to the mainframe! I can't have that! PLEASE! I'm BEGGING YOU.
[[Ugh, Fine]]
Really? Is THIS how you're gonna play? Ok, then. I've been saving something like this just in case... Ok... Let's see...
You are stranded in the middle of the jungle. As you look around, you can see massive footprints in the dirt around you. You realize that they are Dinosaur prints. You are in prehistorc times.
Suddenly, a Tyrannosaurus Rex bursts through the trees!
[[Wait, Wait, I want to go back]]
The dinosaur pickes you up, and with one swift gulp...
[[You are devoured]]
Ok, so you've reconsidred
[[Ugh, Fine]]
There. Serves you right for messing with the story.
[[End Screen 1]]
Ok, then. Looks like Ernesto is waiting...
[[Ugh, Fine]]
[[Well then, jerk]]
I. Am. Not. A Jerk.
I am TRYING to finish this part of the story, but YOU are trying to mess it up! YOU are trying to hinder my progress. Well, then, you know what you get?
[[The White Room]]
[[Wait, I'm Sorry!]]
Well now, I won't give you a exit screen, so you will just have to sit here forever.
You did this to yourself, by the way
Nope, you had your chance.
[[The White Room]]
You settle down, and start a life in this town of Minston. Your work does not call you. You family does not call you. And as for friends, you have none. You settle down, and live out the rest of your life there.
[[End Screen 1]]
Then you come to another fork in the road. Another complication. Now, was it left, right, or down the dark alley.
[[Left Road]]
[[Right Road]]
[[Dark Alley]]
You take the left road. It leads to another path, and then another. You finally make it to a bridge, with two passages.
[[Right Over Bridge]]
[[Left Over Bridge]]
You take the right road. It goes for a while. Now, another quetion:
You go over into the dark alley. After a while, it becomes too narrow for your car to continue.
[[Go Back To The Road]]
[[Continue On Foot]]
You head right.
[[Left Way]]
[[Right Way]]
[[Go Ahead]]
BOOM! You have accessed the sceret bonus portion of this story! Now, you get some fun.
[[Secret Passage A]]
You know it's the left path, so you continue driving. I mean, what is up? You think. Not to anything in perticular, but just to all of the universe. Now. there is only one path. You take it.
Another path. you take it
another path. you take it
another path. you take it
[[Epilouge 4]]
Welcome to secret Passage A!
[[Secret Bassage B]]
[[Scecret Passage C]]
Cool! Now go back!Thats all. Go back.You keep driving. On and on, miles of highway. How long have you been driving? How long has the gas been full? How long has it been since I last ate? All of these questions and more are wandering through your mind. You have no awnseres for them. At first you are confused. Confused as to why there are no awnsers. Comfused as to why you can't take your hands off the steering wheel. But then you feel calm. Nice, peacefull calm. You relax, and continue driving. You are still driving when floods come, droughts, storms, famine, war, peace, disaster, quiet, and you will still be driving, probabably untill the end of time. You have become a Wanderer, and you are fine with that choice. What other choices were there to make?
[[End Screen 1]]
You take the left path. It is a dead end. So, you turn around.
[[Right Road]]
You pick to keep going right. The road eventually winds and winds and winds, leading you up a steep mountain. You ABSOLUTLY know that this is not the way, but the road is too narrow and the fall too steep to turn around. Eventually, you reach a cave.
[[Go Into The Cave]]
[[Keep Going Up The Mountian]]
You keep on going foreward. Eventually, you reach a decrepid, run-down factory. Now, youy are faced with more tough questions. Do you...
[[Go Inside The Factory]]
[[Turn Back Around]]
You decide to be adventurous, brave even. So you enter into the abandoned factory.
There are some papers on the floor, and there seems to be a large amount of footprints in the dust.
[[Keep Going]]
[[Go Back]]
You make a 180, convinced that that was not the path to go on. You come back to the prior intersection. Now...
[[Right Way]]
[[Left Way]]
[[Go Ahead]]
You go further and further into the factory. Now, there is a set of metal bars hanging precariously above your head.
[[Continue Further]]
[[Go Back]]
You turn back around, and get into your car.
[[Turn Back Around]]
You creep further and further into the factory. Until you encounter a small camp made out of leather and twine.
[[Investigate The Camp]]
[[Nope, I'm Going Back]]
You decide to investigate the camp. On closer inspection, it turns out to be a camp of some homeless people.
[[You Continue Investigating]]
Pick a number:
You manage to make it safely out of the factory, and start your car.
[[Turn Back Around]]
Unfortunatly, while you were leaving, you didn't notice the rope holding the steel beams snap, crushing you
[[Epilouge 5]]
You are now a ghost, floating over your own body. You are not suprised by this course of events, you are simply startled. No one finds your body, no one even looks in the old factory. After a while, they even forget about you. And as for you, the ghost? You spend the rest of eternity looking, trying to get someone to recognize you, to FIND you!
[[End Screen 1]]
As you continue to poke around, the homeless people come back. One of them sneaks up behind you with a wooden board and...
Ugh... You manage to wake up, submerged in a boiling pot of water.
[[Epilouge 6]]
The homeless people boil you and eat you alive. There is no ghost, for there is nothing left exept bones. And bones help nobody.
[[End Screen 1]]
You go into the cave
[[Epilouge 7]]
You keep going up the mountain, untill you reach a cabin.
[[Epilouge 8]]
You enter the cave, creeping cautiously forward further. Until you find a sleeping bear. In a fit of temporary insanity, you lay down by the bear, and fall asleep.
When you woke up, the bear was standing over you. You think that this is the end. But the bear does not kill you. It accepts you. You become one with the bear. You live with the bear. And soon, you forget human language and emotion, in favor of grunts and growls. You soon can not remember your memories from human life. They are only blurry memories, like waking up from a dream. But you are not concerened with the lack of memories. You are happy.
[[End Screen 1]]
You decide to enter the cabin. There there is a dark circle. You press a button. You do not know why you do this, but you do. The dark circle slides away, and there are stairs leading down. You know that you should not go down there, but you do. You are not panicked that you can not stop your body from moving, but you follow. Down and down you go. You finally reach a dark, almost red-stained pentagram, surrounded by candles. You lay down. You no longer are content, you are panicking. You know that you do not want to lay down. You know that if you lay down, you will not leave this cabin. But still you do. And then, you black out.
Later, you wake up. There is chanting and the candles are burning brighter and brighter. So much chanting...
And you black out.
[[End Screen 1]]
You take the right path over the bridge. Unfortunatly, that portion of the bridge is blown up by Canadian Terrorists as you cross, and you fall into the water
[[BOOM!]]You take the left path over the bridge. Unfortunatly, that portion of the bridge is blown up by Canadian Terrorists as you cross, and you fall into the water
You fall into the water beneath the bridge, dazed. You can somewhat see water filling in through the holes in your battred car.
[[Epilouge 9]]
You drown. That is all that there is to say to this story. There is nothing more. And since you are dead, there will never be anything more
[[End Screen 1]]
You explode.
[[Epilouge 10]]
You can't win on the bridge.
[[End Screen 1]]
You continue on foot. Further and further into the dark alley. How far back does this go? Then a voice whispers: hey, c'mere!
[[Nope, Go Back]]
You turn back to the main road
[[Right Path]]
You come here, and the man offers you a spot in the mob.
[[Nope, Go Back]]
You turn to run, but the member of the mob now knows that you are here. He sneaks up behind you and slits your throat.
[[Epilouge 11]]
You are dead. The mob contacts your family, and gives them a demand of 5 million or they will not return you. They comply. Then, five years later, your body is washed up on a beach made out of rubble from the explosion of a bridge.
[[End Screen 1]]
You join the mob
[[Epilouge 12]]
You join the mob, and assist them in blackmailing your family. You slip away from your old life and become the feared crime lord Don Congrejo. You are happy.
[[End Screen 1]]
You take the left road, that leads you to a tunnel, and a Mountain Path.
[[Mountian Path]]
You are sure that the right road is the way to go. You take it and start driving. Eventually, you reach your work.
[[Enter Part 2]]
You chose the Diagonal Right path. You continue on and on, untill you reach another road. This road also has a U-turn.
[[Keep On Going]]
[[Turn Around]]
You remember that you forgot your laptop at home. So, you go back to get it.
[[You Head To Work]]
You keep on going down the path. Eventually, you get to a bridge.
[[Go Over The Bridge]]
You decide to turn back around. This probably wasn't the path to take.
You decide to go over the bridge. As you cross, you feel a deep, quaking sound. You see an old woman, who was walking on the footbridge path on the bridge fall. You can
[[Help The Old Lady]]
[[Leave Her]]
You decide to help the old lady. As you jump out of your car and rush over to her, the bridge continues to shake. You reach her and help her to her feet just as the bridge plunges into the water.
[[Epilouge 14]]
You heartless monster. You don't deserve an epilouge
[[The White Room]]
You manage to crawl out of the river, and get an Uber back to your house, diciding that you had had enough exitement for one day.
[[End Screen 1]]
[[Epilouge 13]]
[[Final Epilouge 1]]
You decide to take the tunnel path.
As you are going further through the tunnel, the lights begin to flicker.
Then, further in, the lights all go out.
[[Keep Going Through The Tunnel]]
[[Leave The Tunnel]]
You take the mountain path. It leads no where. Most roads lead no where. You stop, and you realize this startling revelation. You stand there forever.
[[End Screen 1]]
[[You Are Sydney]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.Double-click this passage to edit it.You ignore every horror move that you have watched, and keep going through the tunnel. In pitch blackness, you swear you can hear deep, cluncking footsteps.
[[Epilouge 15]]
You turn back around and leave the tunnel.
[[Left R.]]
You pick up the pace, afraid of what is behind you, or in front of you, or right next to you. You can't see since it is pitch black. But, you swerve when there is no turn, and you crash into the wall. You stumble out of your smoking car, dazed. There is a figure before you. You have no way of knowing this, but it is an Entity. The Entity picks you up, and throws you against the wall of the tunnel, again, and again, and again. You are dead by the fifth throw, blissfully dead when the Entity devours your body.
[[End Screen 1]]
This has been the story of how you get to work one day. That is all. This is always all.
[[End Scene 1]]
Double-click this passage to edit it.